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Writing about methods what is using to mapping the social network

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are making texts in the social media, we must understand, that they can be in there even forever after we are closing our account. Sharing the texts without permission is of course against copyrights and that's why against law and trust if the person, who wrote that text is told, that the texts should not be shared. This thing must be understood before starting to share any texts in the net. If the person whose texts have been shared without permission or mentioning the source, would that cut the relationships to that person who shared the texts.

But the worst case is, that those texts have been printed or published and because the copyright laws are strict, the person, who makes those prints must pay every print, and the second thing is, if that text has bought profits for the person, who has stolen the text, should those profits pay to the copyright owner, because if the text is stolen, the court of law must say, that the profits must be given to the state or to the person, whose texts have been published. The contract, what is made could save the publisher from the payments, but this contract should follow the orders, what is controlling the contracting and publishing.

The thing, what is always forgotten, is that the form of those texts is telling, that if the text is written by somebody else. The sudden change of the style of writing is telling, that the account is used by some other person, what suppose to be the writer. If the writer had just used the clear and sharp, error-free text, and the text is changing the mode, that the writer stops to follow the linguistic orders. The thing tells that something is changed in the texts.

An analyst can also conclude is the text made in a peaceful place or is it made in when the writer is hurrying. If the observer can follow the writing process, would this person see, is the monitored object in the place, where the disturbing is happening very often. And also the way to use computer tells is there the plugs available or should the user use only the battery, what gives limits for listening to music or use other applications, but this requires full access to the targeted computer. If the opinion of the person suddenly changes, and the person, who was sooner supported free and open source software would transfer to support commercial software, that would tell that some kind of contracts has made between this person and some corporation. And this turns this person to use the commercial tools.

A form of the texts is used to track the people, who are connected together by using social media. And the use of social media is telling something about the hobbies and interests of the people, who are using it. So it can use as the profiling tool for the companies and governments. But it can also uncover the connections between the people. In this case, social media is used for creating a map of the network of some recruiters, what are hiring people for their clients.

In this case, the person is mapping, the phrases, what the persons use are following by using social media is used to find out the connections, what this person has. And even if the person would not want to use social media, the flying words like "don't be afraid of that" in the cases like other people ask permission to come to visit to the monitored person, or the central, whose social relationships wanted to map.

In this case, the weight of the person in the social network acts similarly with the mass of the particles like planets in the universe. If the person has lots of social mass,  the person has something to offer to those contacts. And one thing is clear if the person has lots of connections to high-level jobs. But those job requirements is always higher education, and if the high-educated people are connected with this agent in other social media solutions, would there be workplaces what they can apply.

And if we are taking the opposite case where the uneducated people are connecting with some recruiting agent, would this person have very much workplaces, where the higher education is not needed. But there are some other things, what we can find out of those texts, what are published on the Internet, and one is if some persons are very sure, that they would have the place, would they style to write the things to be different than the persons, who are not so sure about this case, that they would be elected in the workplace.


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