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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Above this text is a painting, what is made by the artist Ken Kelly, and it is a very interesting part of sci-fi art. The thing is that in that portrait is the vision, what could happen if the red draft is going to erupt with giant flares, and that phenomenon is the reason, why it is very difficult to believe, that there are intelligent life forms on the planets, what is orbiting that kind of stars. But as many times before, we must release our mind to think about the case, what kind of intelligent life forms might be live on the planets, what is orbiting the red draft.
The thing is, that those solar systems, what are orbiting the red drafts are very small size. The all planetary system, what orbits red drafts is almost every time so small, that they are all orbiting nearer the star than Mercury, and if we would live in that kind of solar system would the traveling to another planet be much easier than in our own solar system. The habitable zone of those stars is inside the orbit of Mercury, and the gravity of the star is so weak, that those planets must orbit in very short range, that there would be a life, and that life could be very primitive.
But if there are vegetables, could some intelligent civilization use those planets as the food production and the base. The thing is, that most of those planets are locked, what would cause that the other side of them is extremely hot, and other would be extremely cold, but as we know, if the locked planet is in the longer distance than "habitable zone" from the central star, the radiation from that star could warm the sunny side that the tiny organisms could be created. And if the very unlikely scenario will become true, there would be forming the advanced civilization in that kind of planets, what is orbiting the stars like Gliese-581. But as I said this kind of scenario would not be very usual in the Universe.
And those organisms might have similar abilities with the tubeworms, that they could slip in the protective tube if they face the flare eruption, where the star would become even thousand times brighter than in the normal situation. If there would be intelligent aliens, they must dig themselves under the surface of those planets. In those cases, those hypothetical aliens would live in tunnels under the surface of those planets, what would orbit the red draft. The thing is, that if there would be existed intelligent life forms on the planets of the solar systems like Gliese-581, there are two possibilities of the origin of those aliens.
They can be endemic, what means that they could be originally from the terminator of the locked planet, or they could be that kind, that they could slip in cover during the flare eruption. Or the planet would be beyond the habitable zone of the rotating planet, and the sunlight could warm the sunny side of the planet. The thing what is important is the atmosphere, what would stabilize the heat, and the giant storms would travel in the atmosphere of the planet. So the cloud layer could make the climate more comfortable on the surface of that planet. And that would allow the evolution, what goal would be an advanced civilization. But this is a very unlikely scenario. Or those hypothetical aliens could be space travelers, who want to colonize that planet. But before we would face contact with aliens, this kind of writings are pure fiction.
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