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The flying saucers can be secret rescue and other special purpose military vehicles

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Avrocar type saucer-shaped aircraft can be manned or they can be remote controlled, and because they might be invisible in the radar, they might use in many secretive missions. Those things would be operating in the missions, where the nuclear weapons must return the base in the case of accidents of strategic nuclear bombers. They would be actually like a differently shaped crane-drones, what are used in the same style missions with those normal helicopter-drones.

The technology, what is used in those "saucers", might be actually very conventional. Some of them might actually be the quadcopters, what is covered with the STEALTH-profile. And maybe if they need speed and power, they might use the similar small size jet engines, what are using in the cruise missiles. Those jet engines can be installed in the saucer that one is giving thrust in the vertical movement, and others would be installed for giving horizontal thrust.

Those motors would be in radial symmetry around the center of the "flying saucer".  This kind of motors can give this aircraft a very good maneuverability, and that can be a very good thing for creating the multimission military aircraft. But if those motors would operate like blowers, could it be possible to load the "flying saucer" with electricity. And if there would be the military aircraft or satellites, what has powerful radio transmitters, could those aircraft load the saucer with electricity, and give it unlimited operating range.

The famous UFO picture, where two military jets are escorted the saucer-shaped object is a very well-known thing in the aviation magazines, and in fact, it might portrait some model of the Avro Avrocar or the famous "Flying saucer" of the Avro aircraft corporation. The object seems very small in comparison with those jets, what are claimed in publications being  EF-111 "Raven", the electronic warfare model of the F-111 "Aardvark" tactical attack plane, and those aircraft seem like pushing the "flying saucer" in the front of them.

The thing, what is going on in that picture, is the power supply test, where those EF-111 aircraft pump electric energy for the smaller "flying saucer". Those saucer-shaped aircraft might be made for returning the things like dropped spy planes from the Russian territory, and even if they are small size, they can probably operate in a group, that means that group of those aircraft can pull the very big object from the ground because they are strong in the group.

Avrocar type saucer-shaped aircraft can be manned or they can be remote controlled, and because they might be invisible in the radar, they might use in many secretive missions. Those things would be operating in the missions, where the nuclear weapons must return the base in the case of accidents of strategic nuclear bombers. They would be actually like a differently shaped crane-drones, what are used in the same style missions with those normal helicopter-drones.

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