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Showing posts from December, 2018

J.Edgar Hoover and the position of the FBI

J.Edgar Hoover and the position of the FBI  (How Mrs. Ruth Vanderbildt-Towny knew the length of the prohibition law?) Kimmo Huosionmaa J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was one of the most complicated characters of the history of the United States of America. He was the man, who led FBI from the age of 24 until his death at the age of 77 in 1972. He was the head of the FBI from its establishment in the year 1924 until his death and the years in the service were 59. During the prohibition law, that man worked against corruption, and he got very much success. In the early years, FBI was known as BOI (Bureau of Investigations  (or Intelligence)) and in the year 1935 that office took the name FBI (Federal Bureau of investigations), and there is one remarkable thing in the history of that bureau. During the Second World War, the president of the United States offered Hoover the rank of the General Lieutenant. And the problem was, that the president of the United States would be the chief

How some planet can be warmer than the star, what it orbits?

How some planet can be warmer than the star, what it orbits? Kimmo Huosionmaa The exoplanet Kelt 9b is the hottest planet in the universe. Along with Kepler 70 b those exoplanets are so-called Blue Sub dwarfs, what means that they are extremely hot planets. But why they are so hot. Kepler 70 b is the planet or gas giant, what orbits the former supernova or nova because if the star was about the size of our sun, would it cause that situation, that the last eruption of those stars is more peaceful than in supernovas. But when Kepler 70 exploded it heated the atmosphere of the gas giant Kepler 70 b, what started to rise up, and then the small bits of dust and ice in the atmosphere started to move like in some turbulence or whirls. The whirls were not probably very big size, but the wind speed in those whirls were extremely high and friction between those bites started to raise the temperature, and then the atmosphere started to leak out space. The phenomenon is raising the temperat

One photo from the road

One photo from the road Kimmo Huosionmaa Here is one photo from the jogging route, and I'm just trying to think, what makes it so interesting. This wooden light pylon seems to made by using palm, what makes it "very interesting". Why this pylon is the only one, where is used the palm tree? Maybe it seems like a thing, that means nothing, but I wonder, why in the wood payment, what is used in this payment of pylons have been put one different tree. If there are trees, what doesn't belong in the group, could that cause, that the harmful bugs would come to Finland from outer lands and start to suffuse in the Finnish forests. This is the reason, why it's very important, that the trees that are in the mass, are actually the same, what is mentioned in the ordering list. That denies the harmful bugs suffuse to the Finnish nature because that would cause that the correspondences and needles would be eaten by those bugs, and the harm for forest would be extremel

There is something strange about the "Martian pyramids"

There is something strange about the "Martian pyramids" Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There is one coincidence between Martian pyramid-shaped structures and the Chrysler corporation logo,  what look actually have the same shape. I know that this looks like little weird, but the form is similar in both structures. When we are thinking about the structure, what is calling as "the face", we must understand that this formation has been crushed a long time ago. The thing in those formations is, that if they are formed by some natural reason, that thing is very unusual. Because it makes those forms in the Martian hemisphere. But there are many other explanations for those mysterious three or five corner shape. One is, of course, that some ancient aliens have made those things, and then those mysterious characters just flew away from that planet. Picture II If we would take the last theory under the thinking, we must realize, that those hypothetical aliens wou

Singularity and the ability to see in future.

Kimmo Huosionmaa This text is published in other social media solutions like Facebook and other platforms. Here I'm again thinking about the thing, what gives us the theoretical ability to see the future by using microscopes and computers, what will be used to analyze the data. Could computers have the ability to predict the future is the thing? This is also a very interesting question. Here I'm thinking about the situation, that in some laboratory would be formed the extremely tiny black hole, and this phenomenon would be used for getting pictures from the future, and then this system would analyze them. One thing about the ability to see to the future is that we would in theory again, create the small size black hole or singularity in some box or computer. This black hole would be created in the extremely small but totally symmetric glass ball, what would be targeted the lasers or some other electromagnetic radiation. Then in this ball could be forming an extremely small b

Was the shooter of Strasbourg in psychosis?

Kimmo Huosionmaa There are some questions about the shooter of Strasbourg, and the main question is, was the weapon, what this person used legal or illegal? If the weapon is illegal, that would tell something about the relationships of this person's private life. If the weapon was legal, the question is, "how the radicalized person could carry the legal weapon?". When we are looking at the news of this sad case, we must notice, that we must stay in facts, what are published. There was no information about the weapon, what he used in shootings, but during the final moments, before police shot him, there might be a pistol. Here I'm talking about firearms and that person might have more than one weapon. But when we are looking about this case, there were mentions, that he had a criminal background for robbery, and sometimes that kind of persons get "new road" to their life in prison, where they begin to think, that being the radical "soldier" has

Vaccines and the science

Kimmo Huosionmaa One very interesting question is, are the hypothetical aliens bad or good. Here we can answer this question by saying that “if aliens want to harm us, they are bad for us”. Here I'm talking also about the scientific experiments, what aliens claimed to made to people. Maybe they are only jealous, but I think that I or some other human would cutter like some test animal like guinea pigs is very uncomfortable thinking, and my opinion is, that if somebody wants to harm me or some other human, that would be a bad thing. And here we are coming to think about the term “evilness". The evilness, what Nazis have made to other humans is absolutely intolerable, but then we must realize, that also prisoners and mentally ill people have used in the painful experiments and those tests have made also by other nations, and Nazis were not only ones, who injected deadly viruses and bacteria to the people. Also, things like penicillin have tested with prisoners during World

The risks of psychological warfare

Kimmo Huosionmaa The installation of Pine Gap is, of course, interesting but as we know, those installations are not unique in the world. The reason, why Pine Gap is so secret and at the same time so well known is that this place is located in Australia, there is room to make a special test, what wanted to keep away from the public eye. There might be many installations, what have highly secured usage, and maybe some of the antennas, what are located in that station are communicating with SLBM-fleet, and they might use in the drone program of the CIA and military forces. There might be many purposes and usages in every single antenna, what is placed in that station. And one thing, what people must realize is, those antennas can be used also for propaganda transmitting, and what makes that equipment extremely dangerous is, that by using the Carrier IQ, the system can target every single person for propaganda or PSY-OP transmitting, what can be targeted for individual persons. Peo

Mycoplasma and evolution Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you ever heard the thing, what is called the mycoplasma? Those bacteria don't have separated cell form, and they are not growing the protein core for each cell, what makes this form like the mass, what seems like slime. Mycoplasma causes the illnesses like Borreliosis, and the thing, what makes very difficult to give medical treatment in that illness, is that the Mycoplasma would go between bones, where antibiotics cannot reach it. The Mycoplasma is actually very hard to handle, and because there is no cell core, the mass of that organism could grow extremely large, what makes people think, that in theory mycoplasma would fill an entire lake, and in this case, the life form could be extremely large. In fact, there is claiming that the stories about lakes, what don't deliver the deaths is because there is so much mycoplasma in that water, that the bodies would just melt in those lakes. In some hor

When violence strikes to the face, everybody would go to shock.

Kimmo Huosionmaa When a person would face the brutal violence in the middle of the normal day, would the situation different than in some kind of war zone. In the war zone, people are more prepared for the violence, than they are in the normal city. The violence, what starts without any warning would have a more shocking effect than the thing, what happens in the area, where everybody is expecting violence. In the military unit, that operates in a remote crisis area, every person is professional and prepared for giving first aid and operate in the situation, that they are facing the violence. There is no difference is the reason for violence the accident or is the violent action made in purpose for the physical medication.  But in the mental area the violence, what is made in purpose causes more traumas than some accident. The mental symptoms might be more invalidating, than in the accident, because of the victim suspects, that those persons might make their action again. And this

The altruism is a very effective tool for mapping the community, where somebody lives.

Kimmo Huosionmaa Who of us doesn't want to be an altruist? We have to need to please people, and especially people, who deny something free and easy from children, who ask them easy and free service feels cold and heartless person. This is a very problematic thing because in the world of espionage the people use this kind of tricks to map the social network of targeted people. The idea of use empathy as the tool of the search and phishing data from the social network is easy and effective. The person just shares the letter on Facebook, where some lovely girl or boy just asks help for the school job or something else. The job, what the person must do is simple. They must just write their name under the picture and then share this text in their Facebook-accounts. Who doesn't want to help the princess to accomplish the school job, and then the name is under the picture, where the most attractive thing is asking this help for making studies. The tool is effective because it ca

The "corona game" by using flying saucers

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa When I'm thinking the photograph, where two EF-111 "Raven" electronic warfare aircraft are escorting the "saucer-shaped object", we must think one version of the electromagnetic propulsion, what bases that if the magnets have the same polarity in the opposite of each other, would the magnet push another magnet away from it. This pushing force can also have a practical solution in this kind of situation. The thing is that "saucer" would loaded with electricity, and then the aircraft would target the "saucer" with using electricity, what are in this case radio-waves, what have the same polarity with the electricity, what loaded to the saucer and that would push this little aircraft in the forward in very high speed. This system bought in my mind one very interesting thing. The aircraft, what would fly in two lines could be equipped with pods, where are powerful magnets. And those aircraft can form the Gauss-

The flying saucers can be secret rescue and other special purpose military vehicles

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Avrocar type saucer-shaped aircraft can be manned or they can be remote controlled, and because they might be invisible in the radar, they might use in many secretive missions. Those things would be operating in the missions, where the nuclear weapons must return the base in the case of accidents of strategic nuclear bombers. They would be actually like a differently shaped crane-drones, what are used in the same style missions with those normal helicopter-drones. The technology, what is used in those "saucers", might be actually very conventional. Some of them might actually be the quadcopters, what is covered with the STEALTH-profile. And maybe if they need speed and power, they might use the similar small size jet engines, what are using in the cruise missiles. Those jet engines can be installed in the saucer that one is giving thrust in the vertical movement, and others would be installed for giving horizontal thrust. Those motors w

The pyramids and ancient civilizations in Antarctica (True or false)

Picture I Picture II Kimmo Huosionmaa There are rumors, and some kind of evidence, that in Antarctica were ancient civilizations. In fact, the thing would not be a very big miracle, because that place was not far away from the Inca-state or civilizations, and maybe Indians have visited in that icy landscape. The trip would be done by reed boats, what was used by Incas and other Indians. The trade route between two civilizations is not the same thing, as a trade route with aliens. Sometimes I have thought, that maybe Indians had a trade route with Vikings and ancient Egyptians. But which side that merchandise came? Did they come from the side of the Mediterranean, or did they use the route across the Pacific ocean, and then came by using the sea route across the Red Sea. Those reed boats had the ability to cross the Pacific ocean, and the Norwegian journeyman Thor Heyerdahl made that trip. The thing in his test was that the trip was possible to make by using balsa- and

Landing on the atmosphere of Neptune part II

Kimmo Huosionmaa Recently I wrote about landing in the atmosphere of planet Neptune, and because today I'm writing about the futuristic things I want to tell you the plan, how to make that kind of mission possible. The idea of that solution was in some book, what I read a long time ago. In this book, the craft, what was filled with liquid was landed in the Neptune atmosphere by using rope, what was made by using some nanomaterial. In this kind of operations, what would be possible in the distant future, is a very important thing to use the fullerene tubes, what are connected together that way, that they are acting like a flexible rope. So those fullerene-bites must be connected in the form like the metal bites in the Indian rope-trick, where the jongleur would climb up the rope, what seems to stand without assistance or support from walls etc. The idea was that the orbiting vehicle was heavier than the vehicle, what was landed in the atmosphere, and the heavier vehicle used a

Was "Project Daedalus" actually the plan for interstellar spacecraft or something else?

Kimmo Huosionmaa The thoughts about "Project Daedalus" are that spacecraft, what would have the capacity for interstellar spacecraft would be very futuristic. The idea of that spacecraft would send the fusion powered probe to the nearest star system, but the technology, what would use in this project was so futuristic, that it is not even today existed. The idea was to build "Daedalus" in the orbiter of planet Jupiter, and the motor would use the helium, what is sucked from the atmosphere of the gas giant as the fuel. The helium would be injected into the motor, and the nuclear-powered laser system would make the fusion in the motor. There are many other fictional spacecraft that "Daedalus", what were most conventional visions of interstellar probes. This system is more conventional than some plans to use interstellar ramjets for traveling the stars. Interstellar ramjets suck the ionized hydrogen through the spacecraft by using a magnetic field, but t

The Jupiter's secrets, what Juno-probe can discover

Kimmo Huosionmaa Below this text is the link to Juno-programs homepages of NASA. There are some details, what people probably don't know about this planet. The gas giant is well-known that there are massive radiation areas around it, and the planet have been well known also that it shines more radiation, than it gets from the sun. The thing causes by the very strong magnetic field of that planet, and sometimes have been speculated that there would be forming so-called micro-fusions inside that planet layer of metallic hydrogen, because if the speed of rotation of that layer is very high, and the flashes of lightning inside the atmosphere would raise the temperature of the nucleus of the planet high enough, would there happen also nuclear reactions. The Jupiter is giving the information, how the stars are forming and also conditions near the brown drafts, what are the coldest stars, what can be found in the universe. The brown draft is cooler and smaller than the red draft, and

Flying taxi-drone and many ways to use it.

Kimmo Huosionmaa Flying taxi service at Dubai is a very interesting business model. The large drone can operate in the city area, and use electric motors for most of the time, but of course, hybrid-engines, where is possible to load the batteries by using internal combustion motor can be soon in operation. That motor can use fuel cells for creating electricity, what makes that thing very silent and sophisticated tool in many things, where is needed the rapid reaction with the ability to fast transferring.  When we are thinking about Taxi-drones, they seem a very fascinating thing, what would operate in many areas on the Earth, and those vehicles would also give change for public transportation in the cities, where is too many cars. But there are many other things, how those silent and sophisticated drones can operate. They can, of course, operate as the ambulances and rescue missions. Those drones can transfer paramedical team members to the places, where have been happened the

Also, social media companies have money for supporting politicians

Kimmo Huosionmaa The problem with commercial media is that it is the merchandise of the media companies. Billions of dollars are used in the commercials every year and if the billions are going in the pockets of social media channels, they are away from somebody else pocket. This is the phrase, what I always repeating. And this is the thing, what makes a very complicated problem in the marketing industry. The thing is that "why somebody would pay to the channel if they get the production free". This is the reason, why the marketing industry uses social media applications for their job. Those channels are free, and also they are badly moderated, what makes possible to use the "freedom of artists" for making those commercials. The biggest audience can collect by delivering the commercials by free, and giving people something interesting at the same time, what makes them come to see the commercial. And here is the danger. When we are thinking about the news, we hav

How Facebook changed the world, and how it became the manipulation machine?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Facebook began the revolution of social media, and in the beginning, it was something new and awesome. But then it changed when the companies and governmental agencies came in the business. There are many good things on this channel, and one of them is that it will uncover the radicalism of some people. Here we can think, that sometimes even the mass shooting have been blocked because the shooter has told that thing before, and officials have got that person. But there are many problems in the Facebook, and one of them is that the photographs, what are published in there can use to get information, what nobody wants to share. By using zooms in the drawing programs can the hacker get information of the weapons, what are in the rooms, and also the registration numbers of the cars. Also, the jewelry is also visible in those pictures. The problem is, that this social media service can use to manipulation very effective and simple way: you must just get the personal ph

Hume's guillotine

Kimmo Huosionmaa This story is fictional, and the origin is in Victorian England, where in some school has been targeted for burglaries. In this story for the thief is made the trap, what would uncover the reason for the crimes, and of course, who was made those burglaries. I don't know if this story true or false, but I will tell it to you now. And I hope that you enjoy it.  Do you know the term "Hume's guillotine"? The term is made by the test, what philosopher name Hume invented when he was tried to figure, who his students would tell the things, what they should not tell to other people. He told the story about the guillotine, what is an execution equipment, what is hanging on the top of the particular door in some building. The idea is that the tester told different door for every single student, who was alone with him. The guillotine was not allowed to mention the outsiders, but of course, the students were allowed to tell that thing together, of course, th

Connecting data from different sources could cause problems for privacy and security

Kimmo Huosionmaa When people are connecting data by using different tools, they can create a very good profile of the person, who is targeted for surveillance. The data can be collected by using social media services, what are not all time person's own. The surveillance operators or hackers can try to find out the names of the persons, who are working with the target. They can collect the names by using the company's homepages, or those persons may try to slip in the stairway, and try to find the neighbors last names. Then they might just google those names, and sometimes the searches give the pictures of those people. And then they might ask those persons for their Facebook friends and also take photographs of the parking areas of the firm to find out the vehicles, what the employee uses. The process allows to get all information what is possible to get about the targeted organization, and if those trackers have equipment and permission, they can also eavesdrop the target

The legend of the lost billions of the government and the Mars flight

Kimmo Huosionmaa The government doesn't give any money in the research, because the money comes from taxpayers. This is the fact in the world, and the government must explain where that money goes. This is the principle in the democratic states in the world. But sometimes we are facing the fact, that government shuts down some project, where have been put millions of dollars or euros. And the thing is a very big mystery. The most well-known projects, what have faced that fate was NERVA and TACIT RAINBOW, and the last one gave the government the drone, what looks incredible and in this time, this drone is looking like a fiasco. The program was taken over ten years, and the result was not satisfied. And the first one bought little nuclear fallout to the atmosphere. There are films on the internet, where that reactor was used in tests at the Nevada desert, and after that, this program closed, because it was too expensive. The object of that project was creating the Mars-craft, wh

"800 years old mobile telephone" was a fake made by Austrian artist

Kimmo Huosionmaa The paragraph of the text is not new, and this kind of stuff is always found or made by purpose. The reason is to make people understand, that everything is not, what it first seems. And in fact, there have been found interesting things in the archeological sites, what has got the natural explanation. The reason, why old looking mobile telephones have found in the ruins, has been sometimes quite exotic. One explanation has been that some member of the digging team would drop the telephone while escaping the volcanic eruption. But as you see, this particular telephone was made by an Austrian artist, whose name has been mentioned in the story, what is linked below this chapter and text. The artist told, that the picture of his work has been used without his permission, so I don't put it straight to this text because of copyrights, and you will find the picture from the link, what would connect to the Wikipedia page about this case, and in there is also mentioned

The Philadelphia Experiment and the singularity

Kimmo Huosionmaa The idea of Project Rainbow or "Philadelphia experiment" was to make the ship invisible in radar. The idea was simple, the ship was loaded with electricity, what had an opposite electric charge than radio waves, what comes from the radar. I don't know what would happen if this thing would work, but the problem was the electric arc, what was forming when the radio wave was hit to the ship. The green fog was maybe the chlorine-gas, what raise from the sea by electrolysis, what begin when two electric fields with opposite electric charges were touched together, and the ship was starting to shine because the radio waves would start to heat the core of the ship. This thing would allow making the perfect electromagnetic weapon for the Navy, and that would be the reason, why the results of this test were hiding. There is claiming, that in that test were forming some kind of singularity or something like that. As I have written earlier the singularity or the

The forgotten tale about Blériot XI monoplane from the early age of aviation

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Blériot XI was one of the first monoplanes in the world, and of course that early fighter was ahead it's time. The materials, what was used in this plane were wood and canvas, what made it very easy to produce. Junkers J-1 was the first all-metal monoplane in the world, but Blériot XI was one flown its maiden flight in 1909, and that plane was absolutely incredible, but when the WWI began, it would become too slow. And this story is the thing, what I heard someday a long time ago, and I don't know if this true, but it would be easy to make by using technology, what was available in that time. The radio waves could be targeted by using a metal tube, what would cover the transmitter. This is the tale about the mast, what purpose is to keep the wings straight during the flight. But the tale tells something incredible, that this mast was planned to use as the weapon, what was actually the "lightning conductor". The man behind this idea

The water tanks can be used as the elements of the scientific or military base

Kimmo Huosionmaa One silly idea of the Flint water tower is that this same structure can be used at the structures, what are located in the underwater position. Those structures could be scientific or military bases, where the crew lives in the underwater conditions. That structure would have similar purposes, what was used in the AQUARIUS-station near Florida, but that would be larger and give more sophisticated room for the persons, who live and work in there. The use of those structures is that they could use to make intelligence operations in the below surface. And those water tanks, where those persons live can also be used for scientific operations, like developing military systems, what those organizations don't want to show people. There is a military AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center) base at the Bahamas, but there are rumors, that there are other more secretive underwater bases what U.S Navy operates. And also Russians and Chinese would have that ki

Are the water problems in the city of Flint, Michigan made in purpose?

Kimmo Huosionmaa About the rumors of corruption in the water supply system are actually a very effective tool to get people to vanish from some areas. If the water is brown and rusty, would it become very disgusting, and this is a good way to make people sell their houses and flats at a very low price. There is one thing in the case, what is linked below the text. In this case is mentioned, that the drinking water of the city of Flint Michigan is 19 times as corrosive as normal water. The facts are found in the film, what is below the text, and if those things would be faked, will those persons, who made that film go to court.  But if you are interested in this kind of stuff, look at that film, and this text, and make your own conclusions about this case. When we are thinking about the situation, that the mayor and other high-rank officials drink that water in public, we must say, that there could be two places, where the water is taken in the system, and if only one of those is p